Konečně něco, co stojí za ty peníze. Ostatní nesmysle pod 3tis Kč jsou vyhozené peníze. Buď je to hned rozbité a nebo se to hodí jako plašič na krtky. Hračka má dobrou regulaci v rychlosti a také v délce pohybu. Sice je určena pouze pro flashlight masturbátory, ale dá se použít i na jiné výrobce v případě podobných rozměrů masturbátorů. Obrovská výhoda je v tom, že může být napájena při používání, což většina výrobků nemá. Za mě 5 z 5.
This Universal Launch holder will show you the perfect ride, during which you can change the speed of the thrust and the height of the stroke. With that, play your favorite video or music. Thanks to the included mobile phone holder, this is not a problem. With speeds of up to 250 strokes per minute, Universal Launch will take you to places you've only dreamed of!
Universal Launch is an automated mount to mount your favorite Fleshlight masturbator! Pull the masturbator through the circular hole. Once it is securely in the desired position, use the large latch to tighten the handle. Lift the large latch on its left side to snap the strap tightly, be careful not to overstretch and potentially damage it. Then switch on and enjoy the product's many features! The switches on the Universal Launch allow you to set between 4 variable stroke lengths and regulate the speed of movement. Universal Launch can move the masturbator at a speed of up to 250 thrusts per minute.
The universal smartphone holder on top gives you the ability to watch your favorite content while keeping both hands on the controls. On a full charge, Universal Launch will operate for up to 60 minutes, but this time can be extended further. With the correct settings, the device can be started even when connected to a cable.
- Up to 250 strokes per minute
- Cell phone attachment
- Hand held controls
- Can also be used while charging
- Lasts up to 60 minutes
Compatible with products:
- Fleshlight Go
- Fleshlight Ice
- Fleshlight Turbo
- Stamina Training Unit
- Original Fleshlight
- Sex in a Can
- Fleshlight Vibro
- Fleshjack Boys
- Fleshlight Girls