Anal beads
Anální kuličky patří mezi oblíbené sexuální pomůcky, které stimulují erotogenní zóny ve svěrači a slouží i pro přípravu na anální styk. Existuje několik typů análních kuliček, záleží jen na tom, co se Vám nebo Vašemu protějšku nejvíce líbí. V naší nabídce naleznete anální kuličky několika druhů, od Thajských řetězů až po vibrační anální kuličky.
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LELO Soraya Beads (Black), anal vibrating beads
Open the door to exclusive pleasure. For those looking for more, this vibrator is tailor-made. Anal play in elegance like never before. You're in the right place...
ToyJoy The Spunky Buttplug (Blue)
The Sparkle: Anal vibrator for the really demanding. Remote control is not only appreciated by couples. It offers 6 vibration programs and 4 speeds. Silicone, rechargeable, waterproof.
Hidden Desire Extreme Tetra Thrill Anal Vibrator (Black), anal vibrator
Extreme Tetra Thrill Anal Vibrator: Irresistible vibrations for ultimate pleasure.
Hidden Desire Extreme Triple Thrill Anal Vibrator (Black), anal vibrator
Extreme Triple Thrill Anal Vibrator: Irresistible vibrations for ultimate pleasure.
Hidden Desire Extreme Twin Thrill Anal Vibrator (Black), anal vibrator
Extreme Twin Thrill Anal Vibrator: Irresistible vibrations for ultimate pleasure.
Black Velvet Anal Beads (50 cm), silicone anal chain
Extra long anal beads made of silicone. Can you handle them all? Super anal pleasure, no need to worry.
Hueman Galaxy Force (Purple), vibrating anal beads
Discover your erotic depths. Anal climaxes are among the most intense! These anal beads will help you achieve it.
Renegade Duel (Black), anal vibrator
Reversible massage vibrator. Bent on one side, nice balls on the other.
Intoyou Mouve Waving Butt Plug, anal balls with controller
Introducing Mouve, rotating anal beads with vibrations. All with the convenience of a remote control. Sexy grunts and oscillations for your pleasure.
Couples Choice RC Multi Vibrator, Stimulating Penis Ring with Vibration
Strong erections and more intense anal stimulation. Penis ring with anal ball and stimulator for G-spot and clitoris.
Hidden Desire Extreme Beaded Anal Power, anal bead vibrator
Black elegant... Anal ball vibrator with perfect range of intensity. From a gentle growl to a divine roar.
Spice It Up Splendor (Black), vibrating anal balls
Anal plug with removable mini vibrator. A super toy with multiple uses! You will love its shape and strong vibrations. It's playful anal pleasure!
Satisfyer Double Ball-R (Red), anal plug with vibrating ball
Every movement vibrates the metal body full of love. An anal plug with balls that vibrate as you move.
Satisfyer Double Ball-R (Dark Blue), anal plug with vibrating ball
Every movement vibrates the metal body full of love. An anal plug with balls that vibrate as you move.
Hueman Eclipse, cock ring and anal ball
Gentlemen, this is gonna be a ride. The anal bead erection ring is a match made in heaven. You'll be accompanied by 10 vibrations.
Startroopers Voyager Prostate Massager, prostate vibrator
Hop in and enjoy the space ride! Voyager will give you double the satisfaction. Coral-shaped vibrator with controller.
Startroopers Apollo Vibrating Anal Beads, anal beads with remote
The Apollo is ball shaped, deep penetration with vibrations will send you sky high. Enjoy anal pleasure with the remote control.
Gender X Plugged Up (Blue), vibrating ass balls
They'll get your asshole vibrating: 10 vibrating balls. Fully waterproof beads that you can enjoy anytime.
ToyJoy Elixer, vibrating anal penetrator
Double the fun with ELIXER: Sensational orgasms from double penetration. Just clip on the penis and the ride can begin!
Hidden Desire Heavy Anal Balls (XLarge), anal balls
Do you dare? Proper anal balls for the demanding. Training for your ass nicely one ball after the other.
Hidden Desire Heavy Anal Balls (Large), anal balls
Do you dare? Proper anal balls for the demanding. Training for your ass nicely one ball after the other.
Hidden Desire Heavy Anal Balls (Medium), anal balls
Do you dare? Proper anal balls for the demanding. Training for your ass nicely one ball after the other.
Black and Silver Harry (14 cm), silicone anal chain
Chain to the buttocks with balls. A great start and a pleasure to pull out. Super gentle anal pleasure, no need to worry.
Black and Silver Lennon (15 cm), silicone anal chain
Chain to the buttocks with balls. A great start and a pleasure to pull out. Super gentle anal pleasure, no need to worry.
Black and Silver Korg (23 cm), silicone anal chain
Mini chain to the buttocks with balls. A great start and a pleasure to pull out. Super gentle anal pleasure, no need to worry.
Black and Silver Mila (16,2 cm), silicone anal chain
Gentle anal pleasure with gradually increasing intensity? Yes! The anal chain is a choice you can't miss.
Black and Silver Rupert (10.5 cm), silicone anal beads
Silicone anal beads for a gradual introduction to anal pleasure. Body friendly, unisex and simply sexy. Suitable not only for newcomers.
Black and Silver Orson (9,5 cm), silicone anal beads
Silicone anal beads for a gradual introduction to anal pleasure. Body friendly, unisex and simply sexy. Suitable not only for newcomers.
Lola Bubbles Anal Plug (Black), anal balls for beginners
Anal plug with balls and grip for safe handling. Its shape and smaller size make it ideal for beginners exploring anal pleasure. It's playful anal pleasure!
ToyJoy Diamond Star Beads (Large), anal beads with jewel
It will light up your anal hole full of bright stars: Anal beads with jewelry from the Diamond Star collection. 3 balls in a row will fill you with joy.
Co jsou anální kuličky a anální korále?
S análními kuličkami a korály objevíš kouzlo análního sexu, protože se perfektně hodí pro všechny začátečníky. Zvětšující se mezery mezi jednotlivými kuličkami umožní postupný a bezbolestný průnik, který bude maximálně vzrušující. Časem ti jejich velikost přestane stačit a budeš chtít delší a širší varianty. Postupně se propracuješ až k análním kolíkům nebo análním vibrátorům a dalším análním pomůckám.
Máme pro tebe pár doporučení:
- používej lubrikační gel pro anální sex,
- začni u menších rozměrů kuliček a postupně přidávej,
- pokud ti bude tato praktika nepříjemná, ihned přestaň,
- kuličky vytahuj pozvolna, zažiješ další vlnu slasti.
FAQ pro anální kuličky a korále
Z jakého materiálu se anální kuličky vyrábí?
Nejčastěji z plastu, gelu a silikonu. Můžeš také vyzkoušet skleněné.
Jak se mám starat o anální kuličky?
Vždy před i po použití kuličky důkladně umyj a dezinfikuj.
Pro koho jsou kuličky určené?
Začátečníkům pomohou během objevování análního sexu, pokročilí si užijí s většími variantami nebo vibrujícími kousky.