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V kategorii electro sex naleznete zajímavé elektrické sexuální pomůcky pro navození intenzivní sexuální euforie a nevšední rozkoše. Vyzkoušejte elektrické impulzy ve Vaší posteli a zařaďte elektrické masážní strojky, anální kolíčky a pulzní amplitudy do sbírky Vašich sexuálních pomůcek. Rozhodně nebudete litovat.

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Most selling

Impulse Estim Remote Teaser

In stock
1 595 CZK

Vibrating egg into the vagina with remote control. It serves not only for unforgettable orgasms, but also for practicing the pelvic floor. Electropulsations help to tighten the vaginal muscles. Combination of vibration and electrical stimulation.

Mystim Pubic Enemy No 2

In stock
3 495 CZK

The days of your sexual freedom are numbered. Chastity belt with the possibility of electrical stimulation (Requires external source). It effectively prevents an erection. Set with locks. Solid quality workmanship with adjustable size.

Mystim Pubic Enemy No 1
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Mystim Pubic Enemy No 1

In stock
2 995 CZK

The days of your sexual freedom are numbered. Chastity belt with the possibility of electrical stimulation (Requires external source). It effectively prevents an erection. Set with locks. Solid quality workmanship with adjustable size.

Mystim Little John Buttplug (S / 9 cm)

In stock
2 495 CZK

All-metal anal plug with a beautifully polished surface. Two metal surfaces act as electrodes for electrostimulation (Requires external source). Dimensions 9x4 cm. Mystim-Plug terminals. Hygienically safe aluminum.

Mystim Estim Vibrator Tickling Truman (Black Edition)

In stock
2 795 CZK

Luxurious, elegant - Mystim vibrator with electrostimulation. Selection of vibrations and electrical stimulation in several intensities. Electropulsations help to tighten the vaginal muscles. Rechargeable. Watertight. 100% platinum silicone.

Mystim Estim Vibrator Electric Eric (Black Edition)

In stock
2 795 CZK

Luxurious, elegant - Mystim vibrator with electrostimulation. Selection of vibrations and electrical stimulation in several intensities. Electropulsations help to tighten the vaginal muscles. Rechargeable. Watertight. 100% platinum silicone.

Anal Fantasy Elite Electro Stim Prostate Vibe (Black)
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Anal Fantasy Elite Electro Stim Prostate Vibe (Black)

In stock
1 995 CZK

Electro-sex aid for anal pleasures. Prostate massager with electrostimulation. Shock Therapy Series. 5 vibrations + 5 electro modes. The ergonomic shape holds better in the anus. Simple control. Rechargeable.

Impulse Estim Petite G Wand (Blue)

In stock
1 595 CZK

G-spot vibrator with electrostimulation. From the collection of Impulse E-Stimulation toys. Shape with a curved head. 7 vibrations + 5 electro modes. Electropulsations help to tighten the vaginal muscles. Simple control. Rechargeable.

Impulse Estim Dual Wand (Blue)

In stock
2 195 CZK

Vibrator with electrostimulation. From the collection of Impulse E-Stimulation toys. Duo stimulation of clitoris and G-spot. 7 vibrations + 5 electro modes. Electropulsations help to tighten the vaginal muscles. Simple control. Rechargeable.

Impulse Estim Wand (Blue)

In stock
1 795 CZK

G-spot vibrator with electrostimulation. From the collection of Impulse E-Stimulation toys. Shape with a curved head. 7 vibrations + 5 electro modes. Electropulsations help to tighten the vaginal muscles. Simple control. Rechargeable.

Impulse Estim Petite Wand (Blue)

In stock
1 595 CZK

Vaginal vibrator with electrostimulation. From the collection of Impulse E-Stimulation toys. 7 vibrations + 5 electro modes. Electropulsations help to tighten the vaginal muscles. Simple control. Rechargeable.

Pretty Love Doreen (Pink)

In stock
1 195 CZK

Wireless vibrating egg with telephone control. Combination of vibration and electrical stimulation. Perfect for solo and pair use. Easy control of smartphone applications. Rechargeable.

Pretty Love Hector (Pink)

In stock
995 CZK

Start with an electric buzz ... Hector electrostimulation vibrator. It offers 5 electro modes and 7 vibration pulses for that. Ideal for G-spot, vaginal entrance or clitoral stimulation! Soft silicone. Rechargeable.

Fetish Fantasy Shock Therapy
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Fetish Fantasy Shock Therapy

In stock
995 CZK

Have you ever tried electro-stimulation? Fetish Fantasy Shock Therapy offers endless possibilities with 4 self-adhesive electrodes. From gentle pulses to intense shocks. Safe and easy to use even for beginners.

Mystim Slim Finn Urethral Sound (6 mm)

In stock up to one week
1 795 CZK

All-metal urethral probe from the Mystim workshop. The beautifully polished surface in combination with electrical stimulation is perfect. Diameter 6 mm. Length 15 cm. Electrical stimulation connection (Requires external source).

Mystim Estim Vibrator Sizzling Simon (Black Edition)
  • Top product

Mystim Estim Vibrator Sizzling Simon (Black Edition)

In stock up to one week
2 795 CZK

Luxurious, elegant - Mystim vibrator with electrostimulation. Selection of vibrations and electrical stimulation in several intensities. Electropulsations help to tighten the vaginal muscles. Rechargeable. Watertight. 100% platinum silicone.

Impulse Estim Remote Kegel Exerciser

In stock up to one week
1 995 CZK

Vaginal egg with remote control - Perfect not only for pelvic floor exercises. Electropulses help to clench the vaginal muscles. Combination of vibration and electrical stimulation. Simple control. Rechargeable.

Pretty Love Hector (Purple)

In stock up to one week
995 CZK

Start with an electric buzz ... Hector electrostimulation vibrator. It offers 5 electro modes and 7 vibration pulses for that. Ideal for G-spot, vaginal entrance or clitoral stimulation! Soft silicone. Rechargeable.

Baile Electro Sex Kit
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Baile Electro Sex Kit

Out of stock
695 CZK

A fun sexual aid that will certainly boost your sex life. The Baile Electro Sex Kit offers 6 types of pulses. Just connect the electrodes to your body and get energized. 4 electrodes. Controller.


Co je electro-sex a jak probíhá elektrostimulace

Během electro-sexu dráždíš erotogenní zóny a genitálie elektrickou energií, která prochází tělem a tím stimuluješ nervová zakončení. Sady pro electro-sex přímo vybízí ke zpříjemnění masturbace nebo zpestření partnerských hrátek. Nemusíš mít obavy z elektrických impulzů, tato praktika je naprosto bezpečná. Nejnižší elektrický stupeň evokuje jemné šimrání během předehry. Záleží na tobě, kam až zajdeš.

FAQ pro electro sex

  • Je electro-sex bezpečný?

    Dodržuj tato pravidla a vše proběhne v pořádku:

    • Používej pouze originální pomůcky určené pro electro-sex.
    • Řiď se pokyny od výrobce.
    • Stimuluj pouze od pasu dolů. Nepřibližuj se k srdci, mozku a k dalším citlivým ústrojím.
    • Nepřeháněj to s intenzitou a respektuj pokyny partnera nebo partnerky.
    • Pokud trpíš nějakým onemocněním, poraď se s lékařem, zda je tato praktika vhodná.
  • Co mohu stimulovat?

    Pouze partie od pasu dolů, kde to bude tobě nebo tvému protějšku příjemné. Nejprve stimuluj stehna, hýždě a okolí pohlavních orgánů. Následně vyzkoušej přímo pohlavní orgány.

    Co způsobí silnější proud?

    Pokud ti mírnější proud nestačí, přidej. Elektrika projede tvým tělem a po mravenčení pocítíš škubání svalů. Při správném umístění si přivodíš orgasmus bez dalších pomůcek nebo doteků.

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